
About Moovee

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Com to visit us
Paul Wurth Incub
5 Rue de l’Industrie
1811 Luxembourg
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Sales Luxembourg
For your projects in Luxembourg
+352 20 60 18 00

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Sales France
For your projects in France
+33 9 72 12 85 65
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Sales Belgique
For your projects in Belgium
+32 23 19 22 97


We provide a complete service to our clients, for which we are building a powerful network of partners.

Let’s build the future of mobility together

A world where vehicles are no longer seen as goods but as a service. Let’s no longer be individual vehicle owners: “Sharing is the new owning”

Our mission is to make this service simple, efficient and flexible so that the user prefers it to the older and traditional mobilities. Let’s discover mobility differently, without any constraints inherent to ownership.

Download our application MOOVEE App

You can book and use all the vehicles thanks to our application: Cars, Trucks, Bicycles, Scooters…

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By 2030, most of the world’s population will be concentrated in cities.
By 2050 more than 80% of the world’s population will live in an urban environment.
As a consequence, they risk generating an unprecedented amount of urban traffic, from heavy freight to personal vehicles.

The 2030 Urban Mobility Challenge

European Automative Manufacturers Association